Yearly Archives: 2016
Oshôgatsu: New Year in Japan
Here is a guide to know (almost) everything about Oshôgatsu (お正月), the Japanese new year – a very important time in Japan. As you will see, the weight of Tradition is particularly strong during this period.
Before Oshôgatsu, here is the
Smoking pot in Japan ? It’s a no no !
Many young people smoke pot (on a regular basis). As our business is to help people come to Japan, we thought we should write about that topic. That’s very important because the way Japanese see marijuana is very different from
How to prepare for a Skype Interview?
How to prepare for a Skype Interview?
If you plan to go to Japan to attend a language school or to pursue an advanced degree, then you’ll likely need to do a video interview as part of the application process. Nowadays,
Japanese etiquette at the office
Or rather: “Japanese etiquette at the office that ticks off Japanese office workers“. The Japanese website has conducted a poll to find out which, out of the many Japanese business etiquette rules, annoy them the most. Two hundreds Japanese